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The mission is simple. Provide clients with the solutions they want and need.


I don't believe I will ever retire because I define retirement as doing nothing. Either that or I'm already retired because some people define retirement as doing what you love.

I believe the future of technology (and humanity) requires decentralization. If the work I do for clients doesn't involve that, nonetheless, I will work on it during my R&D time. I am determined to provide customers and clients with alternatives to cloud solutions that strengthen their businesses, and therefor the communities they exists in, long-term.


My basic strategy is to utilize my knowledge of IAAS, PAAS and SAAS businesses to influence willing and eager clients with designs towards on-premise and/or local (think proximity) workloads. Doing so will further decentralize the internet. It can't be done overnight, but it can be done iteratively and with patience.

Embracing and contributing to Open Source and Open Hardware are obvious priorities. Teaching, training and mentoring young people is a less-obvious strategy.


  1. Choose the right clients
  2. Choose the appropriate technology for the client and build
  3. Teach, train, mentor young people on how it all works
  4. Build excellent relationships


Look no further than the United States Marine Corps Leadership Traits and Principles.

Anyone looking to make a positive difference in this world should read chapter 2 of the USMC Commander’s Leadership Handbook.